I knew it. I knew that this pregnancy was going waaaay too smooth - in fact, like a pessimist, I was just waiting for that other shoe to drop. And drop it has, though it's not all that bad really.
Yesterday, my doctor swung by for a visit to check in on me. While my 24-hour *ahem* sample came back okay, overall my blood pressure readings were still high - so, the prescription came in:
Le Sigh.
We're not talking kick my feet up in the bed all day, all night. We're talking stay at home, don't travel too far from home, light exertion, etc. I asked if yoga was okay, and after raising an eyebrow and asking me what types of moves we do, I convinced her to let me at least try. Thank goodness... you can't take away my social time with other prego ladies! It's just not right! Jeff can't handle all these complaints (just kidding.... sorta).
Fortunately, I'm able to do some work from home. Modern technology is so awesome. I just connect through the VPN and voila, there's my desktop and everything - I can even use the communicator to chat with everyone back at the office. I know, this has been around for awhile, but at least I'm finally on the bandwagon. And did I mention that I'm so happy to finally have CS4? Makes my life so much easier.
I plan on showing my company that they can count on me so that I can at least bring some income in during this time out and show them why they need to hire me full time after K.T. :) What? I'm competitive, it's not a bad thing.
I'm going to realllllly try to relax - I realize it's not my forte. In fact, relaxing sometimes makes my blood pressure rise more than actually doing something. For example, my bro asked me the other day to picture what it is that can make me relax and he through out a beach. I have got to tell you, just ask Jeff when we went to the Bahamas, how crazy the thought of lying out on the beach makes me. I can't do it - it's one of the worse activities I can think of. So now, 99% of you think I'm crazy, but at least you can see my end.
I think I could go for snow, cozy fire, blanket and warm drink as relaxing.... too bad I'm too far from snow.
Anyway, back to the point, I'm going to really try to relax and listen to my body. If I need to take a nap, take a nap. If the house isn't clean for one day *cringe*, then okay, fine, I need to make do *swallow*.
My doctor also mentioned that if we can't get the blood pressure under control, then our precious K.T. may be joinging us a bit earlier than we expected, possibly as early as 37 weeks, which is FOUR weeks away from today. I'm excited and nervous at the thought!
With this in mind, she prescribed me two steroid shots that will help develop K.T.'s lungs a little faster. I received the first dose yesterday and Jeff and I had to go back to the hospital this morning to get the second injection. I hope it does the trick. My main concern is that when she does get here, she'll be healthy! Please, Lord.
So that's where we are at right now. Trying to find the balance and get through the next four to seven weeks! I'll have some added time on my hands, my friends, so I'm sure there weill be more updates! Stay tuned.
Oh, and I forgot one of the most important details, I think K.T. finally FLIPPED! We had a quick sonogram yesterday while in the hospital and the doctor found her head down low - wahoo!