...is “help control the pet population – have your pet spayed or neutered!"
Living in rural America, this popular phrase often falls on deaf ears (or peeps who don't watch the Price is Right). But never-the-less, the people in this county (and country) need a good lesson in animal control.
Growing up, I would venture to say that at least 75% of our animals were strays who were either dumped or found wandering on school grounds. As a child, I had a fondness towards animals, but my attachment has intensified in my adult years. It's a sad thing when we have to kill animals because people are too idiotic to fix them. Yeah - it's expensive. But don't get an animal if you can't afford it!
So, keeping along these same lines, I'd like to introduce, my first rescue!

To remain "unattached" I decided not to name him. But he was a yellow lab mix, thought to be between 10-12 months old, sweet, docile and he loves to fetch and run in water.
I posted a flyer at work and thought we had a taker, but that ended up falling through. Instead, we sent him to
Cowboy Capital Pet Assistance Leage, Inc. (CCPAL) which is located in Bandera. The sheriff came to pick him up and told us that with his "gentle personality", he'll probably get adopted quickly. Let's hope he's right! Meanwhile, I'm double checking tomorrow that they received him and if so, they'll receive a generous donation. I hope some great family will adopt him!