Happy Halloween
I want to plug my brothers site for Halloween though. He and Ashley are going to be a HUGE CAMERA and they even set up a site. Frickin' hilarious!

huge camera
Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....
I wish that all online purchases were standardized. Most online stores require you to CONFIRM your purchase, at minimum, five times (or so it seems), but no... not Netflix. I just wanted to find out how much shipping and handling was going to be for a movie. I didn't want to purchase it! I thought there would be a confirmation page! So I click on proceed (without entering cc/shipping/billing info) and BAM! it says "Thank you for your purchase". Excuse me what? What about "Click here to confirm"....argh!!! Good thing I like the movie (Underworld: Evolution) and what Jeff doesn't know, won't hurt him, right?... unless of course he's decided to read my blog and in that case I'm screwed :) Love you, Jeffrey!
I received a job offer. Great company. Great department. Great possibilities. I'll post more later. :)
Top ten reasons why you might want to rethink installing a cat door at your house.