My Worst Enemy

It’s the cliché – and I am living it. Something I am not pleased about:
I AM my own worst enemy.
Weight is something I’ve struggled with for the better part of 12 years now. If you need a quick lesson in nutrition or metabolism as it relates to you then go off to college, quit all athletic activity and subsist off of Hot Pockets, Coca-Cola and Snickers bars. Then you’ll see where things take you…roughly, 20 lbs heavier than high school.
Now the real challenge? Pregnancy.
How many times did I say pre-pregnancy that when I find out I am going to put myself on a strict diet – Salads, fruit, veggies, the works. Did I say it to you? Or you? Probably. I spouted how I would take care of my blood pressure and only gain the recommended 25 lbs – I would succeed.
Turns out I’m eating (no pun intended) those words. At 27 weeks, I have already exceeded the 25lb mark, by how much, I’ll keep to myself thank you very much. My blood pressure over the past 6 weeks has fluctuated but finally stabilized courtesy of an increase in medication. Not something I’m thrilled with either. And now, for the latest…
My glucose levels are a bit elevated. Fantastic. That’s all I need. But who’s to blame? Myself of course. There is no one else. I control everything that goes into this body and I have essentially failed myself.
And the best part about? I’m now going to have to exercise extreme will power during the holidays. Oh Joy!
Next week I am supposed to go take my 3-hour glucose test to determine if I have gestational diabetes (what a horrible word and one I NEVER associated with myself). Regardless of what the results are, the answer is very clear: Get your diet under control! No more baking, no more dessert every day (yes, every day), no more excuses not to exercise (you still have two feet and the ability to walk).
It’s time to get inside of my own head. I’m not trying to lose weight at this point – I merely want to sustain this current weight is possible and/or prevent an extreme gain.
The reasons are clear:
- Obviously, for K.T. and her health, the number one reason!
- I don’t want a huge baby. Diabetic babies can easily come out 10lbs or more – no thank you!
- For my own health – and helping shed the pounds post pregnancy
Looks like I’ll be browsing through Diabetic/Healthy Living Cookbooks over my Thanksgiving holiday. Joy….