Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....
...and so is Ashley! And each is in this issue for completely unrelated events. What are the odds?
I've been having issues with one of our cats scratching on our couches, scratching on our mattress and well, scratching us! So finally, after hearing all the rave reviews, I ordered Soft Paws, as an alternative to declawing, as I'm not a fan of that at all. I was so excited to receive the package this week. I got hot orange caps for Ceiba and red for Shush. I thought the colors complimented both of their coloring. I put off putting their claws until this afternoon.
I thought I'd be the only one that would'nt be getting a summer vacation this year. But luckily, that's not the case, things just came a little later in the summer then I thought.
Yikes! I've been having 'technical difficulties' with my blog for the past two weeks and was unable to publish anything!!