Willpower. Something I
thought I possessed a bit more of, but the past two days at work have proved otherwise. Due to a certain holiday, such as Valentine's day, which brought in over 10lbs of chocoalate to my office(I guesstimate) and more notably, this week brought the delivery of, you guessed it, Girl Scout cookies. Damn you, Girl Scouts for selling your delicious cookies.
I admit, I bought two packages. I felt guilty denying the purchase, since so many around me had committed to a few boxes themselves. I didn't want to be
that person, but in hindsight, I'd rather be
that person the person I am now, which is easily 2-3lbs heavier than I was last week (though, I've yet to hop on the scale to confirm my suspicions).
Today was probably my worst cheat day since the beginning of the year. I'd say that this has been the worst week on my diet since the beginning of the year. And what's worse is the ski trip is right around the corner, and there is no way I'm going to meet my goal of 15lbs. I could shake myself I'm so angry.
However, today I've redeemed myself...somewhat. Instead of coming home and sitting on my ass, something I've done too often of late, I went outside and played with our dog, Sonny. Then, after he was thoroughly exhausted, I came inside, changed in to work out clothes (but wait there's more), proceeded to actually follow through and hopped on my treadmill for a strenuous 30 minute work out.
I tried one of their weight loss programs and I was impressed. Last week, using my own workout method, I would burn roughly 300 calories in 30 minutes, but that was walking 3 minutes at 3.5/mph and running for 2 minutes at 5.5/mph at an incline of 1% or 2%. Using the computer program, I walked for 3 minutes at 3.5/mph and jogged for 2 minues at 4.0/mph, however, the incline was at 5%. I burned 300 calories and crossed a distance of 1.77 miles. However, I sweated more then my workout AND at 4.0/mph you end up lightly jogging and not doing the huffing and puffing running that I was doing at 5.5/mph. I actually ENJOYED my workout and I had a graphic to watch, which helped me "see the light", if you will.
Basically, what I'm trying to say here folks is, I'm glad I actually got some dignity back by burning off some of the crap I ate today, but I fear I still ate too much to warrant any weightloss. I need to get my goal back in focus and continue on with my progress. I
refuse to give up on my goal of losing 25lbs. Hopefully I can still salvage some of the pounds I lost and add to it in the next few weeks.
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day and that your honey gave you something other than chocolate. Mine gave me some beautiful pink roses! :)