Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Bedroom Set
Here it is - I ordered a duvet cover online, but it hasn't made it in yet. Maybe more pics when that comes in - who knows... Some things have to remain a mystery! More pics can be found on my Flickr site.

Monday, December 29, 2008
One New Years Resolution
I'm not listing my New Years Resolutions this year. I read through last year's and it was a depressing realization as to how many did not get accomplished. So instead of doing the same thing, you can just read my blog unknowingly following what may or may not be a resolution.
I will tell you one, however. I want to learn how to sew - I've probably ment
ioned this before. But this time, I'm arming myself. Since Mom got a new sewing machine for Chrismas, I'll be getting mine back from her. I also received from both sides of the fam (mine and Jeff's) sewing supplies. Pin Cushion, scissors, needles, a sewing kit, etc. The only thing I need is fabric and some thread. Perhaps I'll check out some fabric stores on my lunch hour one day this week.

Anyway, after perusing online this afternoon looking for bedding for our new bedroom set, I came across this rosette quilt. It was beautiful. I want to learn how to do this so bad. To be able to make my own things would be a dream come true.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Growing Up
Jeff and I did our part today to contribute to the economy. We bought real grown up furniture! We've been talking about buying a bedroom set (and upgrading to a king) for quite some time, but haven't taken the time to look. So today, we set out and found one. I decided against black furniture for our bedroom as I didn't want my entire house to consist of black furniture (plus it's hard to clean). We ended up with the following. Can't wait to get them - delivery is on Wednesday! Happy New Year to us - maybe this will help with our back issues.

Monday, December 22, 2008
The nighttime (and daytime) sniffling sneezing coughing aching stuffy head fever

I'm sick. I've been sick for about 5 days now. Maybe 6 if you want to get down to the hours. I thought I was getting better, but I keep relapsing. It didn't help that I was out in below freezing weather last night trying to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Christmas season. I apologize to my friends if I seemed less than interested and/or rushed through our time at Hill Country Christmas last night. I probably should of called in sick, in retrospect I know I should have. Thus the reason Jeff and I made our hasty departure and upon arrival back at our house, we both fell promptly asleep.
I also apologize to my coworkers who have to listen to my incessant coughing, hacking and until recently sneezing fits. I'm stingy with my PTO; there's no other excuse for it. I am aware that I probably should of called in sick for at least two of those days. But ... I can't bring myself to waste my hard earned time off hours on this crap. I already used 16 precious hours back in November when I got that God awful flu bug. That was horrible in it's own right. Let's not recap on that.
Anyway, I hope I'm feeling better by Christmas. We're traveling tomorrow, so that gives me the opportunity to snooze on the car ride (fyi, Jeff, you're driving - not it!). I just ready to get past the dread that I feel before going to bed of the possibility I may drown in my own snot. Oh yes, I did go there.
Merry Christmas and Safe Travels!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Slackey McSlackster
I've dropped the ball this Christmas season - there will be no Christmas cards distributed from the Koenig Kasa this year, folks. With every fantastic card I receive, more and more guilt eats at me. There is no excuse. Next year. For sure! The biggest and baddest of them all!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
O Tannenbaum

It took us about 30 minutes all-in-all to pick two perfect trees, chop them down, drag them to the front and load them up in the truck. But I felt festive the entire time! These trees may not be as big and as full as the ones that are chopped down from the north and shipped in, but I'm proud to support local Texas products, especially my own local economy. Plus, this Christmas tree farm is an older couples retirement business, I just want to help them out!
Once we got home, we strung lights on the tree and added our ornaments. Then I decorated the rest of the house (which didn't take long). 

I guess it takes a while to collect Christmas decor. I don't seem to have much. Only 1 large tub (filled mostly with lights) and 1 smaller one. Compared to my Mom, this is measley. Each year, I'll add one new item. But it just seems to me at a time where I'm already spending so much money on presents for family and friends, why spend the extra cash on decor to boot!? I can't bring myself to do it...yet. Ah well!
Check out my Flickr site for more pics of our place!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like winter
Now it feels like the winter time! Look, I realize I don't live in the coldest climate in the world, but when it is cold, I love a good fire! We were originally going to burn real wood, but because this isn't our final house, we don't want to have to deal with the mess that a real fire brings inside the hearth. So we bought some ceramic ones from Home Depot today and boy, does it look beautiful! Now, I must go snuggle on my couch under a cushy blanket and watch White Christmas with Bing Crosby! Bring on the holidays!