Wow - it's been awhile. I'll spare my usual excuses. There's been some changes in the past few weeks in my life. Notably, my firm was bought out and I am now an employee for Jacobs Engineering. C & B was 3,200 employees nationwide - Jacobs is 49,000 international. So we are joining up with a pretty large company. I look forward to the opportunities that are sure to come!
Over the past few months, I've been participating in a weight loss challenge. The goal was the first person to lose 10% wins and everything was based on the honor policy. While I didn't win, I did end up losing 9 lbs. Tack that on to my previous 10lbs lost and I've lost a total of 19lbs this year. I have to give myself a pat on the back for that. However, since the contest ended two weeks ago, I'm pretty sure I've gained back at least half (just kidding, but not really). So, to keep everyone going smoothly through the holidays, round 2 of the weight loss challege starts tomorrow. This time, I'm going to give it 150%. I need to exercise more, that's for sure (last time my effort was poor to say the least). But, for motivation, I'm posting a pic of me that was taken at the end of 2003 after I had lost close to 30lbs!! I was about 2lbs heavier than my high school weight and I was "IN SHAPE" which is what I'm trying to be again. The picture isn't the best as far as poses go, but I like to look at this and realize that I CAN be this skinny again. So, next time you see me, I'll be on my way to achieving this goal!