To Tweet or Not to Tweet?
Twitter: Is it

As a four month veteran to the tweeting world, I can hardly call myself a newbie anymore. Forced into yet another social media outlet by suggestion, curiosity kept me coming back. For some of you, you just don't get the appeal. It's understandable. But have you seen it work?
I've been fortunate to have been taken in by a small community (and growing) in the Twitter-verse. The awesome folks at Blellow are all Tweeters and are extremely active, promoting the company, networking, etc. Plus my brother and his fiance tweet. If my close personal friends do, than I've yet to share their twitter names, but discussions during our hang outs have never eluded to this fact. But the biggest shock to them all? My mother tweets. And that's not it. She's got two accounts (pick your jaw up from the floor, darlings, it's not at all ladylike).
So let me guess. You don't think your life isn't interesting enough to share anything about yourself. Or, you think Twitter is just a place for me to inform you that I just gorged myself on a double-meat, double-bacon, double-cheese concoction from a local dive. Well, it can be. But more often it's not. I have, in fact, tweeted once about my dinner. It was burnt. It was humor. At least to me that is.
But Twitter can be so much more. Especially for businesses. It's a way to reach out (for free) to a community. Especially if your entire community is the web. Blellow, for instance, uses Twitter to drive peeps to their website. You can see their more targeted tweets by visiting their Twitter pages:
Aside from just driving people to their website, they also give back by providing tips, tricks, and job resources to any/all of their followers.
What about celebrities? They are crawling on Twitter. Recently, Ashton Kutcher became the first tweeter to reach the glorified 1,000,000 follower status. Alas, I'm not one of them. However, I do follow the likes of Anthony Bourdain (No Reservations), Andrew Zimmern (Bizarre Eats), Samantha Brown (Great Weekends), Lance Armstrong (duh) and Dhani Jones (from the Travel Channel show Dhani Tackles the Globe). And guess what, Dhani follows me? But why?
It's simple. I RT. RT?!? What's a RT? RT = ReTweet. It's basically copying and pasting someone's post, but giving them the credit. RT @koenigkc (insert message). Well I've RT'ed enough of Dhani's posts and the others that they took notice. As well as other travel sites as well. Which has led me to some interesting/fascinating/bizarre websites/articles/other twitter sites. I'm also followed by the Travel Channel (which to me, is kinda cool).
Your bank may even be tweeting. I know for a fact USAA does. I mean, the information comes a lot faster than that monthly newsletter. And for your 'greenies' out there, it's a lot more environmentally friendly as well.
But online buddies are one thing and face-to-face is another. But many people offer/host TweetUps. I've been to one that Blellow hosted in the not too distant past. It's fun and interesting and a great way to meet new people.
I'm sure Twitter is used in many more ways than the ones I've just mentioned. But, I'm sold. And I'm definitely on the bandwagon. I know social media is the wave of the future, and if companies don't get on the bandwagon, they're going to be left behind.
By the way, I tweet here.