Perez Hilton is a Joke
Warning: Typically I tell you when I post a political blog. Well, I think this is less about politics and more about class. Be forewarned.
If you've been hiding under a rock, you've missed the huge fuss that arose out of Sunday's Miss USA pageant. If you want to know more, check out this video.
Well, I can't hold my tongue on this one any longer, not that I really have. I am so irate over this entire thing. To start, this contestant was the only one that received such a controversial question, in comparison to the other 4 contenders and I absolutely think that because she was representing California she was set up for this question and by no other than Perez Hilton, a gay rights activist and celebrity webloger.
Perusing articles online yesterday I had read that the Miss USA pageant does not ask politically controversial questions to contestants. Oh funny, how did this one get through the cracks? If this was the case, then why did no one interfere immediately after the question was posed? Controversey sells, ladies and gentleman, and now the Miss USA pageant has gotten more press and noteriety than they have in the past 10 years, no matter if it's good or bad.
The issue, to me, is not about gay marriage. That was the question, yes, and no matter how you feel, you are all entitled to your own opinions. That is the beauty of America. Differences.
But here's my biggest issue. I went on to this Perez Hilton's website to check out his video in which he refers to Miss California as a 'dumb b****" - and I ended up perusing more of his articles to see exactly his 'style'. I saw pictures in which he drew a penis in place of a microphone, drew nipples onto a picture of a big chested celeb and many more along those lines. Oh, yes, yes, please let's get this man (??) to judge a beauty pageant for goodness sakes, because he is the epitomy of class and beauty. Right. Why didnt we do this sooner? WHO could of possibly thought to use this guy!? Trump? Shame on you!
And then the second biggest issue is this. There is no right and wrong answer. There is never a right and wrong answer to ANY Miss USA question. No one asks them what the square root of 144 is. There is no definite. So what is the big deal!?!?! She answered how she felt. That's what you wanted, that's WHY you ask a contestant an answer. To see how they answer, to see how they hold themselves.
Well guess what? She did. It just so happens she didn't agree with Perez Hilton (and also 99% of Hollywood turns out). But so frickin' what? It was HER answer. And if you don't like her answer, you should of NEVER asked her the question. I was floored when he came on talk shows afterwards and said "She should of answered like this...." and proceeded to map out how exactly she should of stated her reply. Are you kidding me? Put the shoe on the other foot.
It's not about agreement and conforming. Again, the issue isn't about your stance on gay marriage. The ISSUE is that he wanted her to answer one way, he already made up his mind, and she didn't and now she's a dumb b**** because of it?!? Utterly ridiculous. I absolutely feel bad that the gay community has this idiot championing their causes. Get someone classy, someone level headed. Stop feeding fuel to this guys fire. Perez Hilton just sent women's lib back several generations by making such a statement. Way to be 21st century... Oh and by the way. I had something else you can add to your site:

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