White Braids

I'm not vain enough to concern myself with these few hairs yet. So what? A few is a few and it sure beats the other aging alternative - balding.
But this white hair got me thinking. When I was a kid, there was this woman at church who had the most beautiful hair, and it was completely white. At that time I'm sure she was grandma age and yet she defied the typical - the granny bowl cut. You know what I'm talking about. Permed, teased and sprayed.
If that's what I have to look forward to in old age, than no thank you! But this woman's hair was gorgeous and thick. I distinctly remember her wearing it in braids a lot. They were beautiful.
I knew that I wanted hair like that in my golden years. And if all grays according to plan (tee hee), hopefully I'm on the right track.
Of course the disclaimer on the white-haired woman and her style is this. Every Christmas she used to wear this Christmas Tree hat on upon her head. I remember also thinking, "I hope I never turn into THAT!" Ha!
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