Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Viral Infection
I've got a virus that has put me out of commission for the past two days. Hopefully, I'll be well enough to return to work tomorrow (crossing fingers). Beware, this crud is awful!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Missed Opportunity
I saw the coolest thing on our way out to dinner tonight. The hay fields across the road from our neighborhood have recently been bailed. I was checking out the progress of one of the fields tonight, when I saw it. A beautiful hawk, sitting right on top of one of the bails. It was so neat. He was so prestigious looking. So "Yes, I'm gorgeous and I know it." I was so bummed I didn't have my camera! That would of been such a cool shot!
We are fortunate to have some hawks as local residents. I've seen at least two of them together at one time, but I think there may be more. Our proximity to Government Canyon leads me to believe that. I love hawks... I think they are one of the most beautiful birds and their screech, at least to me, sounds so cool! A wildlife nerd, perhaps. But they have become a rarity over the years and I feel special to have at least two so near to me.
I'll get that picture eventually. I'm determined.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Class of 1998
My four month project is at it's end. Our10-year class reunion went off without a hitch this weekend. I've got more to talk about, but not enough energy at the moment. Here's what we all look like today!