Into the Wild
Good news! Dad is being released from the hospital today! What a Happy Thanksgiving afterall. He should be home sometime this afternoon. Yahoo!
Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....
Good news! Dad is being released from the hospital today! What a Happy Thanksgiving afterall. He should be home sometime this afternoon. Yahoo!
I met Jeff Koenig. Aggie Bonfire 1998. A friend from high school was in town with a buddy from college and needed a place to crash.
Left Brain: Logical, Sequential, Rational, Analytical,Objective,Looks at parts
Right Brain: Random, Intuitive, Holistic, Synthesizing, Subjective, Looks at wholes
A sequence of events occured yesterday at work, that have left me pondering...
I have always struggled with an inner balance of thought known as left brain vs. right brain. If you were to ask me how I define myself, I would consider myself to hold both characteristics of a left and right brain personality. Is this possible? Must we be on a "side" or can we express traits of each?
Right Brain. I'd like to consider myself a logical person (even if I am passionate and opionated). I love problems and I enjoy the challenge of finding solutions. Numbers speak to me - specifically when it comes to finances. My obsessive compulsive nature and control freak tendencies seems to fit comfortably under the left brain ideology. I do my best work under tight deadlines and if you say it can't be done, specifically if I, myself, can't do something, I will work and work until I prove you wrong. It's a competitive thing and I enjoy it. To a point.....
Left Brain. Please do not consider me egotistical when I say that I think I'm creative. My brain is constantly running 150 mph and rarely slows down. I have, at minimum, a hundred (*wink*) cool ideas that cycle through my thoughts on a daily basis, but little if none make it to fruition. I enjoy writing, a random event that occurs only when my mind and the stars align in a perfect unison with the universe. I love photography - something that has been a recent discovery and something that I am working on nurturing. I love design - whether it's web design or something for print.
Could all of this attribute to my indecisive behavior in life? What I want versus what I need? This inner balance, more like an inner struggle, is constantly battling inside me. The logical versus the random. The rational versus the irrational. Just ask Jeff, I'm sure he'd be the first to agree.
I know I have it in me to be creative - I know it. But my rational side fights with me so that I don't give enough devotion to that side of me. Why? Is the world going to stop turning. Will Jeff and I squander everything and live like paupers? Hardly is my answer. So why am I so hesitant?
It's time to start refocusing....