Word to My Mother

Today, my beautiful mother, Patricia, celebrates her 58th birthday (sorry to rat you out Mom). Not to copy my cousin, Em, but just a few quick points about my mom.
- She's done a wonderful job raising me and my brother. We may be 'quirky' but at least we're not boring.
- She has been a best friend to me in my adulthood, but always conscious not to cross the 'mother line'.
- She's the most hardcore Republican I know. No seriously. Read her blog. But I love her for it!
- She has successfully lost 65 lbs in one year. Words can not express how proud I am of her because of this.
- She has put up with my stubborn ass father (and I can say this since I'm his duplicate) for over 38 years! That says something about her patience.
- She is the best daughter anyone could have. I have watched her over these past few years having to take care of her parents. Difficult would be an understatement to say the least. She made sure my Papa was taken care of till he passed away last December and she's making sure that Grandma gets the best care that she can.
- She has taught me the art of 'what they don't know won't hurt them' when it comes to marriage. For instance, I buy a book, hide it for a few weeks. If Jeff says, "When did you by that book?" I say, "Oh, a long time ago." Thanks, Mom, this one has come in handy SO MANY TIMES :)
Stop making me cry. I've done all the crying I can this week (O- shi*) if you know what I mean. You're the best!
Love you, quirky!!
That's very nice. Your mom looks amazing. Tell her congrats and way to go! I hope she feels as good as she feels! :)
Happy Birthday!
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