Movie Review: Twilight

This movie was horrible. Horrible. What a complete and total flop and an utter disappointment from a semi-Twilight fan.
I was so excited to go see this movie. We had some downtime yesterday in between visiting hours at the hospital, so Jeff took me to see an early showing since he knew that I'd been anticipating this movie for a few weeks. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd of saved myself the $14.
I tried to go in with an open mind. I know from experience that movies don't follow their books to a 'T' and I was prepared for that. Two things were positive. One. Robert Pattinson was cast perfectly for the role of Edward. He fit the description and I think that if he was to have been given a decent screenplay, he'd of acted the part better as well. I also thought that Kristen Stewart was the perfect Bella. Sometimes, her delivery was a bit 'iffy' but I think as far as looks go, she was cast perfectly.
That's where the praises end. To start, the character development is very poor in the film. You'd have to read to book to completely understand each one of them. You hardly get to know anything about the extended Cullen family, and there was hardly anything about their special talents. Billy Black and Jacob were portrayed horribly (not to mention the disturbingly horrible hair extensions on the actor who played Jacob - it's like they threw a mullet on him).
I also felt like the director was trying to do too much. She obviously wanted this to appeal to teenagers instead of the masses, which was her mistake. I think if they would of listened to any research polls, they would of found that their fan base extended well into 20-somethings and even 30-somethings. What about appealing to us? She also tried to go for the humor factor way too much, which fell completely flat. Cornball would be a good word to use here.
Flash back scenes and story lines were terrible. It's like it was a bad made for tv movie at points.
And the soundtrack!! Who commissioned this music?! I read that the soundtrack was selling like hot cakes on itunes and I came *this close* to buying it. Boy, I'm glad I didn't make that mistake. It's hard to explain it in writing, but if you make the mistake of watching the movie, just pay attention, you'll see what I mean. I doesn't fit the time, it doesn't fit the scenes, it's completely off.
Jeff also mentioned the lack of action. I was too wrapped up in analyzing the movie, I didn't realize to a non-Twilight reader what they might think. This is something I had mentioned in my book review, the lack of action. Well guess what? It looks like that translated on to the big screen. Surprise.
To be quite honest, I almost wanted to leave half way through the movie. I was embarrassed to even show that I had paid money (hard earned money at that) to go see this piece of crap.
Shame on you Catherine Hardwicke for not speaking to all the Twilight readers. And shame on you, Stephenie Meyer for allowing your book to be portrayed this way.
I heard they made enough money to do a sequel. If it's anything like this movie, I'm boycotting.
Please, please, save your money. It's not worth it and you'll lose your appetite for the books..
Too bad, I enjoyed the first book. My only critisism is that she "wrapped up" at the critical points too fast (I think the action would have been there if she had covered more of what actually happens)and we have to use our imaginations on what happened. I'll wait till the movie is on DVD I think.
This makes me sad. I was looking forward to this movie :(
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