Giving Thanks
No, my friends and family, this year we will spend this day of thanks merely being thankful. Thankful that my father avoided what can only be described as a near hearattack; thankful for the doctors and staff at Methodist Hospital here in San Antonio for taking fantastic care of him; thankful to our close knit family and friends for supporting our family when we needed it the most; and most of all thankful to God.
Change is a tough bite for us all to swallow. And it never goes down easy. But the time has come for this family to make one - and I think at this point we are ready. The events of this past week have opened our eyes, more like pried open our eyes, to the importance of taking care of our bodies. This body. This one body.
We need to take care of this body - give it the exercise it needs to stay healthy and most importantly feed it the things it needs to run efficiently and effectively. Problems now, if not corrected, will only lead to larger problems later.
I am no poster child. I have my own addictions that need to be broken. But I'm awake now. Wide awake. And I'm sorry my father had to be used to set this example to us. But it worked. And I'm listening.
Happy Thanksgiving! Don't forget to hug the ones you love.
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