as of late
time has slipped away from me, as usual. in order to put in a decent post, i'm skipping capitalization. hope it's not distracting.
work has been crazy this week. things finally slowed down around 2 pm today and i was able to check my personal email which was backed up by five days - fyi: having more than 20 emails in my inbox (read and unread) really irritates me. i think you have to have ocd to understand.
last week i saw harry potter and the order of the phoenix. i told myself i'd reread the book, i got

summer's half way over and i haven't been able to do jack that i wanted to do. tubing - negative. camping -who has the time? kayaking - yeah, think again. next month we have an adventure to look forward to - i'll post more details about that later (later = my next blog post, if things progress at the pace they have been, regarding posting).
j.r. sent us some merlot (try 8 bottles) from forsythe vineyards (i tried to run a search for their site, but alas, i see nothing) - not the hugest fan of merlot, but i'm going to try one anyway, just because he was awesome enough to send it!
that's it for now, i make no promises, lest you be disappointed.
Should be some Cabernet too.
just because you don't like to camp in the rain.....
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