Test Run? or No Fun?
I'm going to go with the no fun part! Please, let me explain.
Monday afternoon I had a regular doctor's appointment to just check on things, particularly my blood pressure as it's been a bit elevated the last few visits. So, after a Non-Stress Test (NST) in which I lounged on a recliner in partial darkness and listened to K.T.'s heartbeat, I thought I'd had enough time to destress from the days activities. Apparently, not so much.
My reading was 140/90 - which translates to No Bueno! And after feeling the tightness and swelling in my calves, things didn't look much better. I thought, great, now what's the doc going to say? I've got to get back to work! I'm on deadline!
Well, my day took a sharp turn when she told me she wanted to send me to the hospital to admit me for a 36-hour observation period. Basically I'll have my blood pressure monitored at regular intervals and I have to give my fourth, count 'em, fourth 24-hour urine sample throughout this pregnancy.
So to get to the point, Jeff and I made our way to the hospiatal around 8pm last night after taking care of the animals and getting work out of the way. Protocol was to start in the OB ER and get all your vitals taken care of while they fill out the paperwork to admit you. I'm not going to lie, this was time consuming. We ran out of patience after the 4-hour mark. But, finally we were admitted to a room around 12:45 am and after multiple nurse visits, we finally dozed off around 1:45 am.
Jeff got up early to head to work and I had to get up to sneak in some work, since I had a deadline that I couldn't leave hanging. Basically, the day has been pretty boring...lots of visits to do bp checks and vitals, hospital food and work! (thank God for modern technology)
Anyway, I'm supposed to break out of here tomorrow around noon - which in hospital speak probably means 2 or 3pm? maybe?
But just to summarize, everything is fine and this was merely a precautionary testing period. I think this might determine if I will be on bed rest or not, but I won't find out more about that till after these results come in. The good news is I got my fancy-schmancy laptop in from work! Wahoo!
And might I add that Jeff wins 2010 Husband of the Year, and we're only five days in!! That should tell you how great he's been!
my desk for the day
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