A Time for Resolutions

So, without further ado:
- For the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, focus on providing K.T. with better nutrition than I've done these past 7 months. And while my general lack of energy is disheartening, I plan on remaining mobile (walks in the evening and continuation with my yoga class) so that this may help with ease of delivery, slow down on weight gain and put me into good practice for post-delivery.
- Snag a full time job. While I feel confident with the company I am currently with as a contractor, I would be stupid to think that I have a 100% guarantee in this department. Hopefully things will be settled by the time I go on maternity leave, but if this isn't the case, I'll have a lot of work to do on my end.
- Focus on my photography. 2009 gave me the opportunity to grow as a photographer. I took a course, had a part-time photography job and even landed a few gigs of my own. All of which were fantastic learning experiences. However, there is still so much to learn and I'm anxious to find my particular style. Luckily, I'll have a pretty good model to use here in a few weeks!
- Focus on a healthy lifestyle after K.T.'s arrival. I refuse to be a fat, overweight parent and Jeff is in agreement. I really wanted to start training for a sprint-tri pre-baby, so I'm hopeful about adding this back into my goals. I may start with a basic 5k (note: I am not a runner), but I need goals to strive towards, it really helps out. Plus, I'm super anxious to get back on my bike. I've been on a hiatus since July :( and I truly love cycling.
- Vacation time, just the two of us. Jeff and I have realized that we haven't taken a vacation by ourselves since our honeymoon in '05. Ridiculous if you ask me. While we love our families, and most of the time vacationing with them, we've realized it's important to take the time for ourselves as well. So this year, we are planning on treating ourselves to a 30's trip. Right now, we are both digging the thought of Seattle.
- Continue paying off debt. Jeff and I paid off a substantial amount of debt in 2009 and I'd like to continue this momentum into 2010. We still have those pesky student loans that I'm determined to defeat in the next five years or so. Sure, the baby is going to be expensive, but we've made strides over the past year to put ourselves in a good position to afford baby and continue debt reduction. This year I'm aiming to kill the other auto loan, one student loan and at least start chipping away at another one.
All-in-all I think it's a good list. It's going to take some hard work, some harder than others to pull it off, but with the right encouragement I think I can be successful! I hope you've made some great resolutions for yourself as well. I'm a strong believer in goals - and if don't set any for ourselves, what do we have to reach for?
GREAT resolutions, Colleen! I'll do a sprint-tri with you!! How about somewhere in the Austin area?? The hills will call our name!!
And I'm thinking of one very willing Grandma who will DEFINITELY take KT for the time when you and Jeff are vacationing. Seattle is a great place to pick!
Good luck with them all! You can DO IT!!
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