It's Starting to Get Real

This past weekend was a busy one! Jeff and I are slowing down are schedules as we are only 10 weeks away from baby day - is that crazy to think of or what? I'm a little freaked out myself, not going to lie. So, we took our last trip to Houston until K.T. arrives. We had so many things to fit
into the weekend.

First up was my Houston baby shower - graciously hosted by my two sister-in-laws, Lauren and Jenny, and one of my oldest friends, Michelle. They did an awesome job, from invitation to cake! A lot of Jeff's family were able to make it and some family friends as well. My Mom and Dad also came into town the evening before. Jeff got to amuse Dad, which apparently isn't too hard if you take him to Fry's, Gander Mountain and a BBQ restaurant.

I got a lot of great things, including our car seat, a tummy time mat, a blanket, baby monitors, a bottle warmer, a wipe warmer, and lots of cute bath items.
Afterwards, we went over to visit Jeff's grandma and then over to his parents house for an early Koenig Christmas. K.T. sure seemed to rack up the gifts for someone who hasn't even joined us yet! But we're not complaining. Jeff and I also got some nice gifts as well, so thanks to everyone for the goodies!
But the weekend wasn't over with yet. We spent the night with Jenny and Ryan and baby Taylor, who I am now pleased to call my Goddaughter! That's right, they baptized Miss Taylor Jo on Sunday morning and honored Jeff and I by asking us to be her Godparents. We are more than thrilled to take on this role. So thank you to Jenny and Ryan! After the service, we headed back to their house for some bbq and then Jeff and I literally had to eat and run.
We made a very quick stop at IKEA to pick up some shelves for K.T.'s room and a bed for a friend. Then on our way out, we stopped by one of Jeff's buddy's new house to take a look.
We eventually pulled out of the Houston-area around 5pm - which is pretty late for us and made it back to San Antonio around 8:30 last night - completely exhuasted!
Tonight we're putting ornaments on the tree - I know, we're a bit behind! But, honestly, this seems like the only time we've had in quite some time.
I'm looking forward to a quiet, but festive, Christmas here at home! I'm not making any plans in January, aside from my San Antonio baby shower (which is being held 10 minutes from my house). I think I just want to enjoy some time with Jeff, just the two of us, since we are soon going to have our lives changed forever!
I remember the last two weeks before we made our final trip for Korbin we did sooo much! Went out to movies, out to restaurants, visited friends, etc etc. We knew pretty soon we would not be so flexible. :)
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