Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lavender, Lost Maples and Kung Fu

Today was a busy day. My parents were headed to see a new lavender farm that opened near Vanderpool, so I decided to tag along.

The 'farm' was not exactly what we expected. To start, we were the only visitors there, so we got a lot of one-on-one attention from the owners. The bushes were all planted in a caleche and rock field, not something I would of imagined a plant could thrive in, and most of the plants had already bloomed and been harvested. In their defense, they did say that the plants were only about 3 years old. The cute 'shack' that they had on the property was filled with lavender goodies: soaps, candles, lotion, saches, etc. I ended up buying some lavender honey (which was pretty darn good) and a lotion bar (interesting concept).

After about 30 minutes at the lavender farm we headed to Lost Maples to have a picnic lunch and take a 'short hike' which ended up being a bit longer than my flip-flopped feet had in mind. But nevertheless, I made it!

I took my camera and tried out some shots with my new lens (75mm-300mm). Check out more of my shots on my Flickr site.

When I got home, Jeff and I went to go see Kung Fu Panda. It was pretty cute, anything with Jack Black I typically like. We kept with the asian theme and had some chinese for dinner (currently regretting that decision).

Having issues posting pics to the blog, will update later. Meanwhile go to Flickr.

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