A New Job
Now, now, now... before you go all quizical on me, let me explain. My new job.....(drumroll please)....is finding a job! Ta-da! (picture me with my arms spread wide, circus performer like)
What? Not what you expected? Well sorry, but that's all I've got...for now at least.
I went to see a career counselor yesterday (thanks Mom) to revise my resume and to basically, hype up my ego (sadly). But damn it if I didn't feel better and more positive coming out of there yesterday.
So today, I sit, already having applied to multiple (that is correct, I said multiple) jobs this morning. I've made it a priority to get out of the house EVERY DAY and to come into town and just get after it, 8 hrs +, of job searching.
I've decided to be bold, be brash, be beyond, if you will. Therefore, I'm expanding my job search to include not only San Antonio and Austin, but Dallas, Forth Worth and (gulp) Houston as well. I love everyone I know from Houston, but no offense, it's not exactly where I want to live. Too humid, congested....(though IKEA is there, but they are builiding one in Round Rock as we speak).... anyway, back to the point.
I vow to give this my all, my everything, my heart, my soul, until job we do find.
IN OTHER NEWS: Check out the cool Netflix Widget in my sidebar that my hermano (bro) created. He's pretty clever, that one.
LAST THING: Wanted to give a shout out to my peeps who have maneuvered their way through England, Ireland and are currently in Germany! Hope they are having a fantastic time. Here's a pic Carilee sent!

Thanks for the nice comments.
Good luck with the jobs!
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