Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Occupying my time

You know what I hate? I hate when you write a blog that's taken close to 10 minutes to type and you go to spell check the damn thing, and BAM! For some reason, unknown to me, the damn page refreshes itself and all your work is gone. I want to scream...or cry. Maybe I'll do both.

Yesterday I started my travel writing class online. My first assignment is to write about a 50 to 300 character description on your favorite place on the planet. What if I haven't found my favorite place yet?!?! I mean, this is pressure. I'm seriously going to have to give this some thought. Though, I'm sure that's the basis of this class... haha! Anyway, I can't use words like "beautiful, great, very, good, indescribable", and many more descriptive words because this is teaching me to be "descriptive".... Talk about challenging. Anyway, I'll post the assignment once I've finished it and let ya'll be my critics, if you so choose to take on the challenge. I'll have 2 assignments over the next 6 weeks. So keep posted, and let's hope that I keep this blog updated.

Really, if it weren't for dial up, I'd have a posting every day!!

'til next time. Keep it real.


Anonymous KELLI KNUTSON said...

Have you posted your assignment yet? I'm excited to read it.

My favorite place changes, but currently, I think it's Vermont. It used to be The Cline Ranch, but that's home, so I would say that Ft. Davis, TX is up there somewhere.

Don't you miss our BOW days?

July 13, 2006 11:17 AM  

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