All Signs Point To....

Update on pregnancy? Overall, I don't have much to complain about. Sure, I get the queasy feeling, but in comparison to some (like my poor friend, Saretta) I'm not experiencing the round-the-clock sickness that alot of people have to deal with.
Which leads me to another topic: Old Wives Tales. You know what I'm talking about, right? To be perfectly honest with you, I totally forgot about these and pregnancy, but boy how people do love to remind me of them.
For instance, I heard that the faster the heartbeat, you'll have a girl. When we went to the doctor, we got the first heartbeat at 171, and she took it once more and it was 158. So she averaged it out at 165. Apparently, according to the 'wives' that means we are having a girl. Though, a friend of mine told me her son's heartrate was higher than her daughters.
The sickness issue is another thing. I've had people tell me the sicker you are, then you're having a boy. Well, as you can see, I've not been that sick, so does this sign point to girl, again?
The Chinese Conception Calendar (yet ANOTHER one of these infamous predictors) tells me I'm having a boy, but I was discussing this with my friend and the calendar was wrong for her.
My genetics points to boy. On my dad's side of the family, there have been three generations (including the current) in which the birth pattern has been a solid girl, boy, girl, boy, girl... well you get the point. My cousin had a girl at the end of 2008, so next up we are due for a boy.
As you can see, we've got arrows pointing in both directions. It's still too early to tell. I'm thinking it will be at least another 7-8 weeks before we'll find out. Should be interesting. Will I be the one to mess up the family pattern? Oh the pressure!
We talked to a nurse at the hospital the other day and she told us about a test you can buy at the drug store called boy/girl or something like that. Its a test like the pregnancy test. It worked for her and her ob is doing a little research going with all her patients to see what the percentage in reliability is. Anyway might be fun. I'll buy the test. :>)))
if you want to get scientific... your genetics really don't have a whole lot to say about it being a boy. Those boy genes have to come from someone who has them to begin with.
I like blue and I like pink, and it doesn't matter to me at all. I just can't wait!!!!
Well not 'technical' genetics, call it family lore instead...
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