Busy Week

On Wednesday, I got an email from Girvan that said a family friend of hers needed some temporary part time help in the photography realm and she wanted to know if I was down. Down? HECK YES! Sign me up! I called her contact and got more details about the job. Real estate photography (fascinating, tell me more). Working with a Realtor (right, right, and?). High end clients (we're talking Dominion living here folks). She asked if I could meet her at 11:20 for the first photo shoot. I checked my watch. 40 minutes. I could make it. With my wet hair dripping (fresh out of the shower) I flew to the bathroom, composed myself, put my "face" on, which hadn't seen foundation in quite a few days, and I was OUT the door.
My first stop was a house in the Monticello District of San Antonio. Definitely old, it had a lot of character. So I learned some ropes, asked a TON of questions and got an idea of how real estate photography actually works! Definitely interesting. Our next stop was in The Dominion. A very prestigious neighborhood in San Antonio, it's home to the likes of David Robinson and George Strait. All my life I've driven by this place, wondering what was behind the gates, and exactly how big WERE those houses that looked pretty gigantic from I-10. I finally got my chance to see! Driving through the gates to get inside the neighborhood I made a glance over my shoulder just to make sure I wasn't being waved back by the security guard. Exciting stuff!! The house we shot was just a garden home, but, my goodness, some of the homes we passed on the way to the home were I.N.S.A.N.E. Ridiulous, even!
Jeff and I discuss this topic all the time. If we ever fell into that amount of money, what would we do? Would we build a ridiculous showcase home. The answer is unanimously No! I'd hate to spend that much money only to be a few feet away from my neighbor. And what about privacy?
Anyway, back to my story, I went on one more shoot yesterday at a home in the new neighborhood of Anaqua Springs, just outside the city limits. Beautiful homes. BEAUTIFUL hill country views, but again, lots and lots of square footage.
I think I'll like this gig for as long as it will last. It's nice to see these houses, even though it's not something I would personally live in. But everybody is different with style and taste, so I respect that. But the most important part about this gig is that I get more hands on experience with photography. Being on site with her definitely made me realize I have a lot to learn (especially in regards to lighting, etc), but I'm excited to learn and to practice. We'll see what happens!
On top of this, I'm also trying my hand at some freelance writing. My brother was nice enough (well, he IS my brother, so it comes with the territory) to hook me up with some of his contacts here in S.A. and last weekend I attended Freelance Camp San Antonio downtown. I made some connections there and this week I was asked to try my hand at content writing. I've got a LOT to learn, but I've always enjoyed it. Content writing for websites is definitely a different beast and I'm not sure that I have the lingo down quite yet, but with all things, practice makes perfect.
So there you have it, my friends and fam. My week in a nutshell. Some other developments have happened that I don't want to put on the record quite yet, but let the record show, I AM keeping quite busy in my 'down time'.
A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!!!!! That is SSOO exciting about the photography gig!!! :) I bet the class is helping too!! :)
And I read about your freelance gig on Facebook!!! I'm SSOO glad you are using your skills! You really are a great writer...I think it would be a great side job and possibly could turn into something full time!! AWESOME!!
Keep us posted!! I've been thinking about you A LOT and hoping that the down time is both productive and relaxing!! :)
Talk soon!!
I didn't know you wanted to be a photographer! You should have said something! :) I knew you were interested, but thought it was just a hobby for you.
Congrats and good luck! Let me know if you have any questions! :)
Hey! I'm glad the photography thing worked out with Lovetta! I hope it gets you some great experience and it really helps Lovetta out. Good luck with everything else you've got going on!
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