The End of Another Chapter

Another chapter of my life has come to an end. On Friday of last week, I was laid off of my job. While the news was about as welcome as a bucket of ice cold water dumped on you in subzero conditions, I'm looking at this as a sign that it was time to move on. Of course, I was stalling, I'd been procrastinating for quite some time and this was a nudge to get me going in the right direction. Why was I stalling, you ask? Simple. I didn't want to say goodbye to the many friends that I've made.
Today, a group of about 14 of us met for lunch at Chuy's. I led them there under the assumption that this was my birthday gathering. Yes, it's my birthday. But I feel the invitation was sent out for far more selfish reasons than to celebrate my birthday. You see, I wanted another chance for us to all see each other again - to laugh - to make witty remarks - to gripe about some of the ridiculous bureaucracy that exists within the system. It was a selfish act, no doubt, but it was fantastic.
To all of my ex coworkers I say, "Thank You" for being my friend. Thanks for putting up with my stories (I know there were tons of them, too many in fact), my tendancy to ramble, my weekly clothing rotations and my incessant lectures about the bad effects of eating too much salt.
I think the future will be interesting. I'm excited to get to know these friends beyond the walls of the office and to see what their personalities are really like. We all have our 'office' personalities. Will they like me? Better yet, will I like them? Time will tell.
It has been a spoken, but undocumented, resolution of mine this year to follow through with things. If I say I want to get together, then let me make that happen. Stop the excuses, stop the laziness, make the effort! Keeping these relationships will definitely challenge me in this way.
But you, friend, no longer my coworker, you are worth it. Thank you.
Now, back to my resume.
Happy Birthday... and good luck with that resume!
Keep us posted!
:-(... tear
You're a good writer too!
Anonymous = Calli ;]
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