Thoughts, out loud, that probably should of been left inside my head....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Domestic Dispute

I witnessed an interesting domestic dispute in the parking lot of Academy this afternoon. A boy, no older than 13 years old must of, I assume, said something to severly piss off his mother. So they (the mother, the son and a little girl, 8ish) come storming out of Academy along side of me. The mother shouting, "You better not talk like that! You better not talk like that to me!", at the top of her lungs. The kid mumbled something back, but I distinctly remember hearing the F-word. My mouth dropped at this. No way. I would of been slapped if I EVER said that word to my mother. But wait there's more...

...after more screaming by the mother, the son called her a bitch! WHAT?!?! If the other word wouldn't of had me slapped back to 1982, this one definitely would of. The mother than proceeded to pick up her purse and scream to him,"Do you want to see a bitch!??! Do YOU!!?!? I'll SHOW YOU A BITCH!!! My husband doesn't even call me that!!!!" As soon as the purse rose above her head, you better believe that kid got scared (finally) and peddled backwards, almost closing in on me.

This my friends is another fine lesson in why birth control is important. Cue the "The More You Know" song from NBC.


Blogger parenting noobs said...

What kind of mother asks their son if they "want to see a bitch"? How retarded. What reaction does she expect?

I feel bad for the son. Clearly he doesn't know how to behave because of the way his mom behaves (especially in public!).

March 12, 2008 7:56 AM  
Blogger John Forsythe said...

Seems fine to me. :)

Remember, you shouldn't protect children from the world. That is a loosing battle. Plus, the world is a pretty profane place these days.

Instead, help children make better decisions with the world by setting a STRONG example for them.

I'm not so much against the language (its only words). However the threat of physical violence is now a model that young man will be able to use at some point in his future.

The more you know...

March 12, 2008 10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I may have also suggested the word "JOHN" branded into your backside by a certain famous belt that is now a family legend.

I look back and regret the very few public episodes of bad behavior that I can remember, but I think they all involved some private "discussions" when we got home. Public words reflect on the family, unfortunately. Your good name is really all you have in public, it should be protected and nurtured.

AND, whatever sport this young man was thinking about buying equipment for would now be history. A few weeks of staring at the walls of his bedroom after school would give him time to reflect and script the many words of his apology to his mother and sister.

March 13, 2008 7:03 AM  

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