Bitches & Moans
I have a short rope when it comes to patience, but this past week has been exceptionally trying.
To start, I wanted to make some kolaches for the people at work. Not just any kolache, poppyseed kolaches - the best kind! After searching H-E-B for at least 10 minutes (hey, that's a long time) I asked an employee where they had the poppyseed filling. He went to check and guess what? They STOPPED selling it. I KNOW! I even had Jeff check another H-E-B, but same results. Argh! You know H-E-B? You're going to have a lot of pissed off Czechs on your door step and I know at least 20+ people (family) that will back me on this one.
Then today....
Sometimes I'm "okay" with San Antonio, but other times, other times I'm ready to pack up the dog, cats and Jeff and take the next train to whocares was one of those "other times". First off, I'm so fortunate to have been born to the family I was born too. I can not imagine being a stupid imbesile amongst the throngs of other idiots that live day-to-day-to-day without purpose. People in this town are idiotic, rude, materialistic and dumb. I can see why some people become hermits - I'm considering it myself.
I wanted to go to a home store that opened a few week ago here in town to see if I could get some decor for the dining room. I think about 80% of San Antonio had the same idea. It had to be the most packed store I've been in outside of Christmas. I guess the "Grand Opening" is still going on (weeks later). Parking was a bitch and the foot traffic towards the store felt like a herd of cattle coming in for hay. Even before I entered the store I was irritated. When I walked in, I knew I was going to be disappointed. This was one of those homestores that is just "stuff" - you know what I'm talking about. Trinkets upon trinkets of CRAP to fill your house up with. Why do people buy this crap?? Why??? Why put a boat oar in your house or half of a boat for your nautical themed room (gag)? And, by the way, we have 18 other items in the same theme so you can buy the whole set and create an ridiculously themed room - Yeah! what fun!
Puhlease. I was out within 5 minutes (1/2 the time spent fighting customers to get to the door). I mean come on! What ever happened to simplicity??
Anyway, these are my moans for the day. Sorry I'm not more optimistic right now. I'm in the midst of painting. The dining room is turning out great and I made my way into the hallway this afternoon. I'll post pics as soon as I'm through - I promise.
Well, I'm glad you don't hold the "country rabbit" theme that you grew up with against me. ha ha! Or...maybe that's where you got your "anti-theme" sense of decor. hmmm?! ha ha!
--- Mom
Ooo!! Painting! If I lived near, I'd volunteer to help. I like painting.
And AGREED on the nautic-themed rooms. Do designers think we all live in bungalows by the sea?
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