Odd Week
If the events of the Air France flight a few weeks ago didn't have my nerves on edge for the "They happen in 3's" phenomenon, this week has proved there is some sort of weird truth to the superstition.
First, Ed McMahon passes away. Sad, but the man led a long life and experienced a lot. Then, this morning, I got the breaking news alert that Farah Fawcett had died. This was a little more upsetting than Ed McMahon, although I can't say unexpected since we knew she had been suffering for quite some time now. However, I think the thing that got me the most was that she had stated somewhere along the line that she didn't want this disease to take her. And it's upsetting to know it did. Cancer is so evil. It's affected two of my grandparents to date and inevitably ended up taking the lives of one of them. Now another beloved family member, my Dad's cousin, is suffering with the disease and the outlook is dismal.

However, if the day wasn't sad enough with the passing of Farah Fawcett, the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, passed away by what is still being deteremined. Possible cardiac arrest? We're still waiting for results.
I will be the first to admit, I shed a tear or two over this one. But let me explain myself. I am not the hugest fan of the Michael Jackson of today. Did he molest children? My better judgement says yes. Did he have severe psychological issues? That's obvious. Did the man need help? Yes he did. Yes, yes, yes he did.
But Michael Jackson will ALWAYS hold a piece of my childhood with his music. The man had talent. You can't deny. Yes, I was 2 when Thriller came out. But I loved, loved, loved Billie Jean and Beat It with the passion that any child could who totally lived the '80's. His music holds some of the best memories for me and I will always love that style. As any of my friends can attest, I am a die hard '80's music lover and Jackson quite frequently shows up on my playlist.
I have a fuzzy memory of a summer spent in Florida at my grandparents. My cousin, Michele and I had just finished performing in one of our 'Talent Show' skits that was common place when we all got together and then my brother, and perhaps my other cousin, Travis took the stage (aka: the large wall in the living room). While I'm not certain of the routine, I'm pretty sure it involved my brother lipsyncing Michael Jackson's Thriller or another song while wearing, and this part I can testify too, a sleeveless white tshirt with the words "THRILLER" splashed across it. Classic.
And, if that doesn't prove our 80's love of MJ, then perhaps the fact that we had a cat named Billie Jean will. I remember that cat. Brown tabby. She had mange. And she lived in the old, dead oak tree that is STILL on my parents property.
Jeff and I discussed this tonight and we both think that Michael Jackson was the Elvis of our generation. I whole-heartedly agree with that. I hope his music will live on forever. But only time will tell. My kids will know who he was. And maybe Jeff can teach them how to moonwalk.
Rest in Peace, Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcetta and you Michael Jackson. I hope that God forgives you and you find your place in Heaven.
Visit here to view my favorite Michael Jackson song.
I believe many people of your age are thinking the same things at this time. http://americanprincessblog.com/?p=3779
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