5 items that have paid for themselves
One of my fancy-schmancy techy-gadgets got me thinking the other day. Thinking on things that I've paid for over the years that have, in my opinion, paid for themselves. Here's my list, in no particular order (except for #1).
5. Canon EOS Rebel XTi - My camera. My hobby. My obsession over the past few years. I bought it at the end of 2007 after returning from a trip from the Bahamas in which I ha

4. Apple iPhone - Labeled a 'toy' by my anti-smart phone father, my iPhone has been anything but. C

3. King-size mattress (and bed). Jeff and I talked and talked and talked (and then we talked some more) about upgrading to a king sized bed. He's 6'4" and we've both got back issues (so sad as we are both still in our 20's) and our queen just wasn't offering the support and the room for restful sleep. So in December 08, we upgraded. It has been awesome. While there's still some back issues (obviously not from the bed) they are less frequent and the cushioning on the new mattress offers great support. And a the little side bonus for moi? I finally have a footboard. Oh yes, this may not mean that much to you, but if you're husband was 6'4" and you slept on a queen size bed before, you'd understand. No room for footboards - they are the first to go!

2. Every single pair of shoes I own (almost). I used to be a shoe fiend when I was in junior high and high school. I loved them - boots, clogs, tennis shoes, sandals, whatever. These days, I'm too cheap to indulge in my old obsession. So I buy my basics. Boots. Flats. Flips. Done and done. In fact, the last two pairs of boots I've owned, I have literally worn out the soles. The pair before the ones I owned were only thrown away because the heel snapped off while I was walking through HEB. And I even tried to super glue it back together, which attributes to my
1. Jeff (my husband) - Alright, alright, alright. I hear what you are saying? He's paid for himself already?! Well, monetary units aside, Jeff has been an awesome husband and has surprised me in so many ways. The man changes oil, is a super handy man, paints, gardens (at my request), can fix almost anything
So Jeff either made Position #1 or Position #5 on that list, I can't quite figure it out.
The other 4 don't matter as of 'importance' - they just come AFTER #1, Jeff, which is the only ranking that matters! clear? or muddy?
ok -- it's a good thing my husband does not read your blog as his feelings would be hurt that i don't write such nice things about him. i may have to meet Jeff someday. Keep writing!!! Saretta
Well, on the shoe issue -- I had several pairs of very high (3" or more) heels around here for years that you bought and only wore ONCE.. so with you now only owning the basic three pair you've definitely come a long way, baby!
I agree, Jeff definitely gets #1 spot on the list!
I may be a little bias but I agree. He is by far a keeper. After all as the others say (he is my favorite) HAHA But I have to say, he is pretty lucky too!
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