Jeff and I are in the airport as I speak (or write). Behold the power of WiFi - gotta love technology. You should see us. Half, eh, maybe 1/3 of us peeps waiting at the gate have laptops, the rest of them are reading good ole fashion magazines. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Jeff loaded my bag (of course) down with about 6 magazines for the ride up high - though he also downloaded some movies for us to watch. I'll let you decide which one we'll probably do. Did I mention how much I love technology?

Of course, considering I got only about 3.5 hours of sleep last night, sleeping on the plane ride seems likely to trump all. Of course, I have to get past that whole 'sleeping on a plane' issue I have, which comes hand-in-hand with my compulsive, controlling, and may I also mention sweet, nature!
Gotta run - must take advantage of this connection!
Next Stop: LAX - cue evil music - and then we're on to SAN FRANISCO! More soon!
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